Sunday, December 19, 2010

What is Elsie up to these days???

After all the "party" fuss I have not done her 12 month achievements post! So here we go.....

Elsie can:

Retrieve on request....Violet, Elmo, books, toy cell phone, and her pony toy! She will also hug and kiss all these things when you ask her to!

Identify.... Charlie, Christmas tree, Dada, Mama, noses, milk (from a sippy cups for her)

Walk everywhere!!!

Elsie loves:

her doggie, the computer, the remote, the iphone, when daddy comes home, to be kissed on her neck, any button she can push, the toilet (gross), and anything else she is not supposed to get into!

Elsie is eating:

Breakfast: cup of milk (mix of whole milk and Almond milk), fruit and yogurt (tried eggs and bread but she refuses)
Lunch: fruit, water, cheese, deli meat, veggie mush (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, brown rice)
Snack: Keifer (protein yogurt drink), crackers, cheese, or fruit
Dinner: same as lunch
Cup of milk before bed

She is a picky eater.....seems not to like new things and textures freak her out! But what she does like she eats TONS of!!!

Elsie's Stats:

Weight: 19lbs 6oz (25%)
Height: 29.3 inches (50-75%)
Head: 18.4 inches (90%)

We think she is the smartest, most beautiful and perfect creation God has ever made!!! She has this twinkle in her eye that brings such joy to my heart!!! My love for her grows more and more everyday! She is so much fun, laid back and easily entertains herself (except when she has teeth coming in). I occasionally see signs of a "determined" little girl when she doesn't get her way and know this will happen more frequently as she approaches two!!!!

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