Monday, September 13, 2010

What she's up to these days...

Excuse the industrial shower curtain....we have some missing tile and the wood is exposed in the bath (bathroom #2 renovations are soon to be underway)

Well, Elsie is up to quite a bit these days! Last week she weighed in at 17 lbs. 13 oz. :) She is still in the 25th percentile for weight but her head and length are in the 75 percentile. LONG and LEAN!!! She drinks between 15 and 20 oz of formula each day, eats 18 oz of solids (pureed) and at least one container of yogurt each day! Some days she will eat strawberries and bananas cut up, other days she will have nothing to do with them. She still LOVES puffs and has started drinking water!

HORRAY!!! We finally have our first tooth coming in. So far there has been no fussing or fever!! Last week we went to the doc 2 times in one week....once for a checkup and the other time for a rash that suddenly broke out. The doc says it is viral, not contagious and is not bothering her. We just have to wait for it to go away :)

We have a cruiser.....moving across the rooming hanging on to furniture. I think she will be walking very soon!

Elsie does not seem to favor any toys yet...she does love her Violet (cousin Isabelle introduced us to this neat toy)! She is also quite fond of her Little Giraffe blankets (we have the big one and small one). She loves to rub her face on it while she is getting her bedtime bottle and she snuggles it while she goes to sleep! She still loves her Exersaucer and door jumper....will play in there for 30 minutes at a time! She loves mirrors....she starts smiling and kissing the mirror when she sees herself. Speaking of kissing...this girl will pucker up and lay a wet one on you! She also loves books....she must think that nibbling the corners is how you read!!!

Elsie says "mama", "dada" and "baba"! She can wave when you wave at her. I think she knows who Charlie is....I will say his name and she starts looking around for him! She is sooo content to play by herself. If I have her contained I can leave her to play and come back to check every few minutes and can get stuff done around the house....such an angel!!!

She is growing up too fast!!!!

1 comment:

Sarah Bragg said...

wow! what a fast growing girl! we need to hang out again...maybe at homecoming :-)