Thursday, September 30, 2010

BBQ sauce

Looks like BBQ sauce, right??? Since we were eating BBQ chicken last night and knowing that "fast hands" had been in daddy's lap at the table, the assumption would be BBQ sauce, right?? We are snapping pictures because it is so cute she is laughing like she has been "into" something! Well, we give her a bath thinking the BBQ sauce will come right off......

Nope....her skin was stained yellow and it would not come off. it's not BBQ sauce, but what is it??? It finally dawned on me that there had been some flowers on the buffet behind the dinner table...lilies with the pollen bulbs on them. She must have grabbed the flowers when daddy picked her up. So we look up if the pollen from lilies is poisonous.....and it is for CATS! Well I immediately call our friend that is a doctor and he said as long as she is breathing fine then it should be OK....the pollen cannot be absorbed through the skin! Goodness......well, she is fine and the pollen stains were gone this morning when she woke up!!

No more lilies in our house :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

just another one of those things that no one tells you before you have a baby - ha! glad she's okay :)