Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Whew....today has been _________! I cannot even think of a word to accurately describe it. All started well with anticipation to get to my new "Moms" group! I am so thrilled to be a in the midst of women are like-minded when it comes to mothering. It is refreshing to hear others joys, trials, and questions about being the mom that God has called us to be. I would say that so far the thing that has stuck in my mind from what we have been learning is that being a mom is a CALLING not a job. God has a specific design for a family and there is a vital role He has for me as a mom, wife and caretaker of our home! Very scary, but so exciting to be doing exactly what God equipped me for!!! After having my cup filled with encouragement and reminders of the privilege I have of being a mom....the rest of the day looked something like this---

*Because of our Moms group, Elsie misses her morning nap. So far I have been able to keep her awake until we get home by singing, talking or playing the radio very loudly. Not today....she was asleep in 2 seconds flat! When this happens I usually have a hard time getting her down for her afternoon nap!

*I get home to no water b/c we are having our bathroom remodeled. No problem.....the water I use for Elsie's bottle is spring water so we will be fine (so I think). I am a teacher and I can "hold it" for a long time...you teachers out there know what I mean...so no flushing toilet is fine too!

* I put Elsie down a little earlier than usual since she missed her morning nap....and as expected she did not take to it well. I had her in the pack and play in the back room because her bedroom is across the hall from the renovation. Well.....she fussed, talked to herself, played, talked to herself some more then finally dozed off after an hour.

*An hour later...she was up and at 'em, chatting to herself so I went in to get her. When I opened the door it smelled terrible. Elsie had poop all over her, her sheet, her blankie, the sides of the pack and play........and my water is STILL cut off b/c the plumper is installing the new valve for the tub/shower faucets! I take Elsie to her room and clean her off with baby wipes, spray down the pack and play with cleaning spray and use spray and wash on all the other things that have been "stained" until I can get them in the washer!

*Elsie proceeds to spend the remainder of the afternoon crying, fussing and requiring every second of my attention. For those of you that know her......this is very unusual. She is so self-sufficient and often times hardly knows I have left the room--not today!

Needless to say bedtime came a little earlier than usual this evening and we had takeout for dinner! I am so thankful that I have an understanding husband who when I called said he would pick up dinner!!

Being a mom is a calling!!!! Thank you Lord for my "poop" filled day! I am so thankful that I am the one that gets to clean up all her messes!


Fannie Bradley's Mommy said...

There are no words....we have never (knocking on wood right now) had one of those experiences! What Moms Group are you in? I go to MOPS at Peachtree Pres. and I find myself craving it! Good to see y'all yesterday. Let's get the families together again soon.

The Denbow Family said...

It had just leaked out the side of her diaper and she rolled around in it for a few minutes....

It is as Church of the Apostles....doing a study together called "the mission of motherhood"! Really good so far!

Got a little something for FB :)

Courtney said...

Bless you. I think all mothers have had those moments - they're great once we can laugh about them. You might not be there yet with this one! :)

Amy said...

Oh no!!! If it makes you feel any better, after we met you this morning at Kroger, Libbi threw up EVERYWHERE in her car seat and all over the backseat. It was AWFUL!! We had to ride the rest of the way home with the windows down and basically hose down the backseat and completely take apart her carseat - ugh! Thanks for the reminder to be thankful for my "calling" as a mom!! :)

Sherri D said...

Love your blog, girl! And yes, let's please do coffee or something one day VERY soon...I definitely want to get to know you better, and I know our girls would have fun!