Saturday, September 24, 2011

Almost 22 months.....

So my camera is still in the shop so I took one from my iphone....I chose this one because she is soooo big these days and I think this pic shows just how "cool" she thinks she is!! Here is what Elsie is up to......

*Still a picky eater....eats mostly fruit, crackers, yogurt, water and milk. Loves popsicles, chips, cookies and drinking mommy's lemonade.
*Drinks from a big girl cup with no straw or sippy top and is getting better with the spoon!
*Is talking up a storm....starting to put 3 words together to form phrases. She will repeat most anything we say. When asked what her name is she yells "Elsie Denbow".
*Loves to sing. She can fill in the blanks when I stop singing for about 8 songs!
*She can count to 5 all by herself and is learning to p0int to things as she counts. She will also fill in the missing letters when saying ABC's.
*Can point to and name her body parts and plays "head, shoulders, knees and toes" with Daddy
*Loves to "nuggle"
*She is a helper and will throw her trash away and put her cup in the sink when she is finished.
*Loves Curious George, Veggie Tales and of course Elmo
*She is very "motherly" and takes her baby dolls everywhere!
*Asks to call people on the phone and pretends to call everyone she knows!
*She climbed up the climbing wall at the park today BY.HERSELF! Of course daddy was behind her ready to catch. She is a climber....climbs into her high chair when she is ready to eat! But thankfully has not attempted to climb out of her crib!
*Loves to drive the car....she will sit in the front seat and mimic how mommy and daddy drive....of course while the car is not moving :) Also loves the car shopping carts at Publix!
*Loves to be outside.....with Daddy! Mommy has not been very good about taking her outside due to heat and pregnancy!
*Will grab your face and kiss you on the favorite!!!
*Tantrums have started....when sent to her room she will sometimes SLAM the door!
*Talks about Jesus all the time.....and loves to read her Bible!
*Is a little shy when she first meets people
*Is a Daddy's girl....anytime she hears a noise outside she stops and says "Daddy home??"
*Copies everything I do!
*Is very independent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Loves to read books
*Gives high fives and says "horray"!
*Likes to watch football with Daddy
*Says "Go Dawgs" and when she sees the UGA "G" yells "Bulldogs"
*Still sleeping at least 12 hours a night and usually 2 hours in afternoon :)
*When I tell her "no" she usually just tries to do it faster until I stop her!
*LOVES HER BUBBA.....a.k.a Charlie
*Plays chase around the house with Daddy and giggles the entire time!
*She gets on her tummy and "swims" in the bathtub
*Has mastered her pouty/mad face

She really has a generous heart and seems to play well with others! What a special little girl God has blessed us with....we pray she will use her stubborn/independent side to stand up for what is right and serve others! We love you Elsie :)

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