Sunday, April 18, 2010

What do you worry about?

They say what you worry about reveals what you are devoted to. Actually, "they" is Andy Stanley, I just thought that was a better opening line. For me, I've been worried about a few things lately - the yard, getting recognized at work, and the yard. Then, I spend a few quiet minutes on Sunday afternoon with my 4-month old daughter listening to Seth Condrey (spanish album) and my worry changes. It goes from a self-absorbed obsession-type worry to a loving, protective, other-centered worry. How does Elsie do that? Thank you Elsie, you helped free your daddy's mind today. You reminded me of what is truly worth worrying about.



1 comment:

The Life of the Chous said...

Your yard looks AWESOME by the way! We were driving through and looking at some houses and drove by your house. LOVE the steps! Good work, Denbows!