Friday, August 6, 2010

My little rascal is 8 months old!!!

It's official.....she is 8 months and into everything!!! I have been saying the word "NO" a lot these last couple weeks and when I do she turns and uses those big eyes and bats those eyelashes as if to say in her best Scarlet O'Hara voice "Why Mommy, whatever do you mean?" Then she goes right back to whatever she was into!!! Oh boy.....let the fun begin!!!


Amy said...

hahaha! let the FUN begin! she looks precious in her polka dot jammies! :)
can't believe she is already 8 months old - love the pic of sweet elsie in her hat, too! praying for y'all as you enter this new "season" of life!

Sarah Bragg said...

I can't believe it! Sinclair loved (and still does) to chew on DVD cases. In fact, her favorite DVD was the Pooting Preacher! Joe gave it to us to watch and it just sat in our car forever and she loved chewing on it! How funny is that?

Amy said...

Oh yes, the fun has definitely begun! "No" will become the most common word you use...then she'll start saying it, too! Ugh! But each stage is just SO much fun and now you get to experience every single moment!!!!